I thought that the topic of self care would be fun for the new-ish year. And instead of all things face masks, yoga, and scented candles, we're going to start with the basics. Because if your foundational needs are not being met, then good luck finding any balance in your body and life! Enter Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Image from Spence Creative.


Physiological Needs

This may look familiar from a psychology course, counselor / psychotherapist office, the interwebs, or some random place. This month we'll start with the physiological needs at the foundation of our pyramid. I will be looking at this through a functional nutrition/wellness lens. So let's go!

  • Water - First off, are you getting enough?! The standard equation is 1/2 your body weight in ounces, not to exceed a gallon per day. Are you drinking caffeine? Take the amount in ounces and multiply by 1.5. Since caffeine is a diuretic you will need to drink 1.5x the amount to replenish the loss. How is the quality of your water? Could you benefit from a water filtration device or purchasing filtered water from the grocery store? What about chugging your total water in 2 minutes like it’s a chug contest in college? Not great! You want to sip your total water throughout the day for optimal absorption. This will limit bathroom breaks too. I did a whole post on water here if you’d like more info!

  • Food - Are you eating enough? Is the majority of your food nutrient dense and not nutrient poor, ie - highly processed, high in added sugar and trans fats? If financially possible, opt for organic, pastured, grass fed, and wild for your veggies, fruit, meat, eggs, and seafood. Look into the dirty dozen, frequent your local farmers market, or get friendly with a local farmer. A lot do work trades and I am all for humans learning about where their food comes from. Unfortunately, a lot of people, even in the US, live in a food desert. More education about this topic, as well as volunteer and donation information can be found at this website.

  • Sleep - How is your sleep quality? 7-9 hours a night of restful, restorative, and continuous sleep is the goal. Not happening? This is my specialty! Let's set up a discovery call so we can get to the root of your insomnia/sleeplessness.

  • Breathing - I'm guessing if you're reading this you're breathing, but are you regularly focusing on deep diaphragmatic breaths? A longer exhale to inhale ratio helps to tap into a relaxed state. Humming, singing, and exhaling like you’re blowing through a straw also help to tap into this relaxed part of the nervous system. How about the air quality in your area? Your home? If it's not great, could you invest in an air purifier?

  • Excretion - Are you pooping on a daily basis? What number are you on the Bristol Stool Chart? Regular poo's mean your digestion is working and you're eliminating toxins. Being full of sh*t is not cool.

  • Sex - Are you taking time for healthy and consensual sexual relations with a partner or yourself? I will keep my fingers crossed that if it's with yourself that it is in fact consensual. ;)

  • Homeostasis - All of the above help to maintain homeostasis, or balance, in the body. Other issues can impact homeostasis like chronic or acute infections, food and environmental allergies and sensitivities, chronic and acute stress/injuries.

The majority of these items make up a large part of my wellness practice. I help people find hidden food sensitivities, get kick-ass sleep, find nutrient dense recipes, educate on a variety of breathing exercises, and have great poops! Are there any that you could give more energy to or a couple that you’re completely kicking butt at? Let me know in the comments. Interested in learning how I support my clients through these foundations? Click the button below!

Stay Awesome,
